Check out the many LGBTQ resources offered by APA Learn.

Queer and the Conversation: Full Inclusion

Community Safety: Its Simplicy and Complexity

LGBTQ Prides: Tool for urban revitalization?

Policy Guide

Planning for Equity

This policy guide identifies policy recommendations for planners to advocate for policies that support equity in all aspects of planning at local, state, and federal levels. The Planning for Equity Policy Guide provides specific, actionable policy guidance through an equity lens on cross-cutting topics and areas of planning.

PAS Report

Planning With Diverse Communities

Planning with Diverse Communities offers the information and tools planners need to engage people of color in planning processes and improve quality of life for all in ethnically and racially diverse communities. This PAS Report will help planners better address the social, cultural, and economic needs of diverse communities to reap the potential benefits for growing diversity and create more equitable communities for everyone.